ID | Name | Motifs |
GGM | GlyGen Motifs | 184 |
CCRC | CCRC Motifs | 116 |
GTC | GlyTouCan Motifs | 62 |
GE | GlycoEpitope Epitopes | 172 |
GD | Glydin | 533 |
GDB | Glydin - BiOligo | 304 |
GDV | Glydin - Cermav | 126 |
GDC | Glydin - Cummings | 121 |
GDH | Glydin - Hayes | 165 |
GDSB | Glydin - SugarBind | 196 |
UCM | UniCarbKB Motifs | 146 |
GM | All Motifs | 700 |
Collections of glycan determinants and motifs sourced from many different glycoinformatics resources. Links to original data resources and contact details provided on each motif collection page.
The GlyGen motif collection is under active development and curation and is integrated with the GlyGen: Computational and Informatics Resources for Glycoscience site.
Many of the collections, including GlyGen's, were originally derived from Cummings (2009), "The repertoire of glycan determinants in the human glycome." The GlyGen motifs are annotated with citations extracted from Cummings (2009).
The All Motifs collection represents the union of the collections, integrated on the basis of the GlyTouCan accession describing the motif structure. The All Motifs motif pages also include tools for exploring related motifs, with the same topology, or with the addition or removal of monosaccharides from the nonreducing or reducing end.
All motifs from all collections are aligned with the bulk of GlyTouCan structures on a regular basis, according to each motif's alignment annotation. GlycoMotif supports substructure, glycan core, nonreducing end, and whole-glycan motif alignments. All motif annotations and their alignments are available for download from the GlycoMotif triple-store.
GlycoMotif, and the on-demand motif alignment web-service, now support motifs and structures with repeating elements. We hope to use this to help identify and classify GAGs for GlyGen. Note that only substructure and glycan core motif alignments are supported for glycans with repeating elements. Examples: i antigen and a putative GAG core.
NEW! Functional annotations for glycosylation enzymes: phenotype and disease from the Human Phenotype Ontology; knock-out phenotypes from the International Mouse Phenotype Consortium; and tissue and cell-type specificity from The Human Protein Atlas. See: CDG Enzymes, Common Phenotypes, Tissue Specific Enzymes, and Cell-type Specific Enzymes.
See also: